Tuesday, August 13, 2013


So I weighed in yesterday and took my measurements...and then all hell broke loose!  At first because I was in disbelief over what the scale said, and then because my son had a sleepover which I have dubbed "the craziest thing I did all summer".  I love my son and his friends are great, but I sit here the day after completely grateful that Caleb is an only child.

So without further ado...here is what the scale and measuring tape said

Yep thats right since I started this whole thing I have lost 

No one is as surprised as I am, and I'm pretty sure that I screamed "Shut up!" I know that I haven't been faithfully going to the gym, but I have been cooking more and more at home.  Seeing this number really is proof that losing weight is fought just as much in the kitchen as it is in the gym.  I'm so happy with what I've lost that my super large measurements can't ruin my day.  Those will get smaller as I lose weight so no need to stress needlessly.

<3 - Cat


  1. Nice job! Yes, half the battle is in the kitchen! I have discovered that leaving starches out of my diet has helped me loose some weight.

  2. Keep it going, lady! You can do it! Eating healthy food is most important. I'm trying to lose a little bit myself, and I've noticed that just eating healthier without adding a lot of exercise is working. Don't beat yourself up over missing a day here or there. As long as your overall pattern is consistent, you'll make progress. Good luck!
