First off, I'm sorry for being gone for almost the entire month. This blog has become an outlet for all the stuff I'm dealing with that I feel I can't say to anyone in person...and I shouldn't have neglected it.
Like a lot of families in the US during the first part of the month, we were worrying over the government shutdown. Since my husband is a disabled veteran, half of our monthly income comes from the VA. For the entire two weeks, I was in a constant state of stress and worry over the possibility that we wouldn't be able to make November's mortgage payment. I tried to have faith that it would all be OK, but in reality I wasn't handling it very well. I was losing hair and a few times turned to food for comfort which would lead to me feeling guilty. It got to be too much and I made the decision that I wasn't going to focus on my eating habits as much while it was all going on. I still tried to watch what I ate, but that decision released a bit of the pressure I was feeling.
You know that cosmic know the one that says that when something goes wrong...everything goes wrong?! Oh you don't? Well, I have proof that it indeed is a rule. During the shutdown, my stove broke so not only did I have to worry about making a house payment next month, but now I needed to find $100 to pay for the repairs. Oh and we had plumbing know the kind where your sweet, loving, and carefree child decided that he JUST HAD TO put rocks down that pipe outside. Well that pipe became clogged with rocks as big as my fist and water started flooding my laundry room. $300 dollars later my husband (yep the one with the back injury) is digging a 6 1/2 feet deep hole around the pipe so he can remove the rocks. At almost midnight with my help, he was able to replace the pipes and rebury it. Can you say STRESS?!
Lit up by my headlights, Steven attempts to fix the pipes. |
Fortunately, the government figured something out in the eleventh hour so Steven will get paid in November. All the repairs that we had to do hurt our savings a bit, but we'll survive to fight another day. Oh and I got a a stay at home job no less which is AMAZING!
The last month has been a roller coaster of emotions, but I'm settling back into a routine and feel pretty optimistic for what's to come.
I've started planning my menus again so I feel like I'm more in control of what the family is eating. Our family usually eats leftovers for lunch and what I make for breakfast is ALWAYS based on how awake I am :D It does help to know how much (calorie-wise) a dinner is going to be so I can eat accordingly the rest of the day.
What I'd like to know is if anyone wants any of these recipes? If you do I'll make a post or two for them.
I have not been on the scale since the last time I weighed in for this blog. I didn't want to put that knowledge in my head while I was dealing with all of the crap this past month. Tomorrow will be the first time in over a month that I do and to be quite honest...I'm nervous. I have no clue what it will say and that scares me a bit. The decision I made to not focus on my eating habits was the right thing for me at the time, but I know there will be consequences.
OH I'm also considering transferring this blog over to a different site. I can't seem to fix the comment issue and I like being able talk with everyone.