Monday, September 30, 2013

Workouts - Arms and Shoulders (part 1)

I have been searching/collecting workouts and exercises for a long time.  Some of them are easy and some...well some really suck A LOT!  I have found muscles that I did not even know existed, and when you work a muscle that has been hidden for thirty years it can take a bit to feel not so sore.

Most of my workouts/exercise have been written down in a notebook with no clue as to where I got them from. In an attempt to make it easier to find what I need when I need it I'm putting it on here.  I also figure that it might help someone else that's not sure what to do in the gym or when they workout at home.

Things I should mention:
1 - If I can find one, I'll provide a video with an explanation of the needed movements.
2 - I don't do all of these in one workout....I'm not crazy.
3 - When it comes to choosing a weight, please be careful.  I am a very strong woman with powerlifting in her past.  If you can only manage a 10 or 15 lb weight go with that until you feel stronger!  Injuring yourself is not going to help at all!
4 - Some of these WILL FEEL SILLY when you are first trying them!  Don't let embarrassment over-shadow the benefits you will get from exercising!!  I use my phone to look up new exercises all the time to make sure I'm doing them correctly.
5 - Talk to the personal trainers, gym employees, and even those that are working out around you; however, don't bother someone that has headphones in and/or is really concentrating on their own workout.  I have learned that the gym can truly feel like a community if you let it.
6 - BREATHE! Using proper breathing while lifting is just as important as doing the exercise itself.  Oxegen!  Our muscles need it to function plus it can aid in the lifting/pulling of weights.  Don't forget to breathe.

Arms and Shoulders
Floor press with dumbbells I do these with dumbbells or a bar depending on what is available. Laying on the floor and the complete stop in motion forces your muscles to work instead of relying on momentum to move the weights. Also, if you are flying solo at the gym and can't as for a spot, this is a good one to do instead of the bench press 3 sets of 10-15 reps

wax ons/wax offs (shoulders/upper back) - Stand with your right arm extended @ shoulder height with your palm pressing a ball or towel against  the wall.  Slowly move the ball/towel in small clockwise circles 15-20 times then switch directions. Switch arms and repeat.  Once you have done both clockwise and counter-clockwise on both arms that is one set.  I do 3 sets total. *This is not about weight....the rotation and movement is what gets it done* 3 sets of 15-20 reps

rainbow raise (stretch for the chest shoulders and biceps) - Hold a resistance bank in front of your hips (your hands should be slightly wider than your shoulders with palms facing your thighs).  Raise your arms over your head as you pull your hands away from each other *Keep your arms straight to create tension in the band*.   Lower your arms behind you, turning your thumbs toward the floor as you go.  Reverse the movement until you return to the starting position.  This is one rep.  3 sets of 10-12 reps

push ups

shoulder press (also called the military press) This can be done standing or seated with a bar or dumbbells.  I prefer the dumbbells both in the seated and standing position doing 3 sets of 10-15 reps

Standing with a bar

Standing with dumbbells

tricep bench dips - has some great exercise technique videos that explain the movements in easy and understandable ways. This one shows the three levels for beginner, intermediate, and expert tricep bench dips.

back rows -  In the video she suggests using a 5, 8 or 10 lb weight.  If you have never lifted and/or have very little upper arm/back strength those weights are appropriate.  However, when the smaller weights become too easy go for a heavier weight.  Body positioning is really important in this exercise!  If you do not protect your back you can injury yourself.  Make sure your feet, knees, and back are in a supportive position.  I do 3 sets of 15-20

Side dumbbell lateral raise - I LOVE LOVE LOVE this video.  Her explanation is great but she also lists what not to do to prevent shoulder injuries.  Make sure to give the squeeze at the top of the raise.  It really does make a difference.  3 sets of 10-15

tricep kickbacks - Use an appropriate weight and make sure that the arm with the weight only moves from the elbow down.  The upper part of your arm is stationary with a squeeze of the tricep at the top of the raise. I do 3 sets of 15-20

Bicep curls - This is a great video for anyone that is not confident in doing a bicep curl!!  Make sure to keep your feet shoulder-width apart, your knees are slightly bent to protect the back, and control your movements. 3 sets of 10-15 reps
      *bicep burners* Burners are considered a super set bicep curls.  Using controlled movements, do 10 reps of full curls, 10 reps half curls, then another 10 reps of full curls.  This is one set.  I try to do 3 sets with a comfortable weight.

concentration curl - I love doing these!  The placement of the arms while sitting makes it feel stabilized and lets me concentrate on working on my biceps.  Right now I'm at 20lb dumbbells doing 3 sets of 15 per arm.

tricep cable pushdown - Don't let the big muscled guy in this video scare you away from trying to do this exercise.  The tricep cable pushdown is a simple exercise that I use to warm up with before doing some of the other arm exercises listed here.  The video offers quite a few variations depending on which area of the tricep you want to focus on.

Cable overhead tricep extensions - There are a couple of ways when doing an overhead tricep extension when using a cable. The first starts with the rope up high. To start, your stance should be a wide stable stance with one leg forward.   Your upper arm should be parallel to the ground with the only movement coming from your elbow to your hand.  The position creates a tension in your tricep muscle allowing for it to be engaged throughout the entire exercise.

The second way of doing an overhead tricep extension starts with the rope in a lower position on the machine.  You are also lifting the rope upwards which means that your elbows should will be in close by your head and your arms should be perpendicular to the floor.  Your palms will be facing each other in the starting position but will turn to the ceiling as you extend your arms above your head.  3 sets of 10-15

hammer curl - If you are concerned about adding bulky muscles but want to add strength to you upper arm this one is for you. Each and every personal trainer that I have spoken to has said that this exercise is great for ladies that want to add strength in the bicep without adding a lot of bulk.  Just make sure that the weight that you use is beneficial without being too heavy.

When doing this one make sure to keep your knees slightly bent and your core strong. If your body or your arms start to swing or rock you are working with too much weight.  The exercise is targeting the bicep and body movement limits the benefits.

Start with your shoulders back and your elbows close to your core.  Your palms will be facing your body for the entire exercise (like you are holding a hammer).  Your upper arm is stationary with the only movement coming from the elbow to the hand.

reverse curls - This does work the biceps but it also works the top of your forearm.  Like the hammer curl, this exercise requires your elbows to be close to the body and your upper arms to be stationary throughout its entirety.  Also, your choice in weight is important.  If your body is swinging or rocking back and forth you are using too much.  The amount of weight is not as important as your form.

Coming soon...
More arms and shoulders
Chest and Back
Legs and Glutes

1 comment:

  1. Im so bummed! I can not watch any video with my internet connection! I will miss a lot I think!
