Monday, September 2, 2013

Monday Weigh In

*eyes first mini-goal*

“Oh yeah baby! You are mine next week! Don't be scared. It’s going to happen. Besides, why would you fight the inevitable?!” This is my mind set after weighing in and taking my measurements for the week. 

As of today, I have lost 19.8 lbs and a total of 48.05 inches. Yep, you read that right! I had to re-weigh and measure myself three times to make sure I wasn't doing it wrong, but the numbers came up the same every time

Being bullied as a kid, I have this horrible “I can’t do anything really well” mindset most of the time. I mean I know that I can do things well, but I can never really be proud of what I’m doing without putting myself down at the same time. I'm not the only one who does this right? 

Take my photography for instance. I'm insanely passionate about it. I want to capture the world and the people that I see around me.  My friends and family have all said that I'm talented and that I could really do something with it.   I would love to build a clientele make a career out it; However, I can hear in my doubt in my mind…the worry that I'm not good enough. 

But my weight loss…the shrinking size? I’m doing it! The proof is on the scale and the measuring tape. It’s in the pants I have to keep pulling up and the shirts I’m wearing that were WAY TOO TIGHT to fit into the same time last year.

<3 - Cat

Oh I'm still not sure if I have fixed the commenting issues.  If you try and comment and it won't let you please leave me a message on my FB so I know whats going on.  Thanks

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