Thursday, February 12, 2015

17 days down...

What do these three bags of sugar and 3 1/2 blocks of butter mean to you?
Yes it could be for cookies but...

To me, it represents the 18.4 pounds that I have lost over the last 17 days!!!

That's over a pound a day, folks!

The amount of energy and the confidence that I have gained in just this short amount of time is amazing. Don't get me wrong! I know that I have a long road ahead of me (after all 215 lbs is a huge amount of weight to lose) but wow am I excited to be doing this.

I find myself excited to wake up and go to the gym. On the days that I have time with my trainers, I'm always early. The Ridge really is becoming my home away from home. Perhaps I should just move in HA.

As for progress, I have a difficult time giving myself credit. The lost weight is easy since it's a simple number, but other milestones are just so damn difficult to recognise. I guess my lower back could be one. When I started, I couldn't walk from one end of the gym to the other without excruciating pain going through my lower back. Now I can handle an entire workout without feeling it at all. In fact, I don't think that it has hurt at all in almost a week. See...recognised progress.

I also don't see much change physically. Others have commented on it but I just can't see it. Perhaps when my chin goes from a double to a single I will... *fingers crossed*. I will say that my pants are much bigger than they used to be. I can actually wear them straight out of the dryer with little resistance. That I DO know is an accomplishment.
Along with all the great & good of this journey are the bad & difficult moments.

As of today, I'm dealing with being hurt. I don't know exactly what is wrong but I heard/felt a slight pop in my left calf. Walking is difficult & flexing my foot is an Olympic event. The old me would have used this an excuse to "take a break" from working out but now...well now I just know that I will have to work around my leg to get it done. I mean my calf is only half of one leg...I have two arms, a core, & another leg that can be worked out. I predict much more time in the pool while this sucker heals. YAY I love the smell of chlorine in the morning! 

Now, I'm off to ice my leg & watch some Netflix

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